Radio Peligrosa S2E6

Long time Peligrosa friend and ethnomusicologist Juan Camilo Agudelo along with Discos Peligrosa alum Kiko Villamizar join Oriรณn in this episode of Radio Peligrosa. Our discussion is part of Peligrosa’s 11th annual Mexican Independence Day Celebration and is a project supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department.

Juan Camilo Agudelo

Junca and I (Oriรณn) have been having these discussions for over ten years (usually backstage at a Peligrosa party) and it’s really awesome to finally have him share some of his studies and interests with us in this (new to us) podcast format. What I always found interesting in our conversations was that we were able to discuss quandaries, studies and observations in such a way that I always left each of our conversations with greater interest in the subject matter.

Either way enjoy this special edition of Radio Peligrosa here or where ever you listen to podcasts.

Esa Mi Pau at Peligrosa – Photo by Luis Espada
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